The Piezo LEGS 6.5N LL10D Non-Magnetic and Vacuum capable linear motor

The LL10 linear motor is intended for a large range of OEM applications with focus on precise positioning in environments that require a completely non-magnetic and/or a vacuum-compatible motor. The direct drive principle of the Piezo LEGS ensures motion without any mechanical play or backlash. Sub-micrometer movement is made easy with this very compact and strong motor. It replaces stepper motor assemblies when there is a need for better resolution and smooth linear movement.

Non-Magnetic and vacuum capable extreme precision linear motor LL10D

Compact size for small spaces

Without the ceramic driving rod the motor is 22 mm long x 19.3 mm tall x 10.8 mm. The ceramic driving rod length is the only variable.  It’s length depends on your stroke requirement.

Vacuum compatible

For vacuum compatibility the motor contains components, and is specially prepared, such that outgassing is minimized and that the motor can be baked at temperatures up to 125°C.


The piezoceramic actuators at the core of the motor are inherently non-magnetic and the motor housing and other parts are made from non-magnetic alloys. The magnetic flux density is less than 1 nT (sensor sensitivity in reference measurements) at a distance of 10 mm from the motor housing.

Non-magnetic vacuum capable extreme precision linear motor
Non-magnetic vacuum capable extreme precision linear motor

Please visit our main site for specifications, data sheets and quote requests.